Educator Professional Development

Educator Workshops

Location: At your facility or on Zoom
Duration: 1.5 hrs


Engaged and Connected Students: Your Toolkit for Success

As many educators quickly experience, successful instruction can be challenging when the collective energy and behaviors of the class are out of sync with where you need the atmosphere to be!

In this interactive workshop we will explore easy, yet powerful strategies to effectively change up the dynamic in your classroom, especially during transition times throughout the day when you need a quick tool to reset and manage attention. We will also discuss the numerous benefits of outside instruction and techniques to easily incorporate these invaluable opportunities into your planning.

Taking Your Class Outside: Strategies for Success

Students often associate outdoor time with recess, making it challenging and frustrating for them and their teachers to incorporate lessons in the outdoor environment. However, the benefits to social, emotional, and overall well-being provided by time outside present an invaluable addition to your curriculum planning, as well as opportunities for many students to excel academically.

In this workshop, we will explore proven strategies and techniques to establish and build successful outdoor academic-based experiences for your students, and you!

Is it Friday YET? Strategies for a More Balanced and Energized YOU!

As educators, we tend to give an abundance of our physical and emotional energies to our students (not to mention our families!), leaving us exhausted and stressed. Well, no more putting yourself at the back of the line! Guilt-free self-care is essential to a healthy, balanced, and productive life, boosting personal well-being and professional excellence.

In this workshop, certified wellness coach and educator, Kelly Dwyer will guide you through a process to develop and implement a personalized plan to increase your energy, sense of joy, and work/life balance-starting immediately!

Self-Care Essentials for New Teachers

Beginning a career in education today can offer many opportunities to positively impact your students, however the numerous demands on your energy, time and creativity can quickly lead to overwhelm and even burnout.

In this interactive workshop we will explore the surprising job-related stressors and develop concrete strategies and techniques to restore your energy, enthusiasm and sense of purpose as an educator. We will also discuss ways to create a healthy work-life balance, time management skills and the best way to develop your personal teaching style and confidence in the classroom.


“Kelly is a born teacher and has the ability to connect with others in a fun, engaging way. Her materials are always on-point, easy to understand and full of information. She can meet a variety of learning needs even in a group setting. Kelly is a delightful person. She is warm and friendly, quick with a smile and shows interest in those around her.”

Dawn G.